Sunday, April 12, 2009

Oh it's just another one of those days...

If you have seen my sons, please send them back - these boys I have now, I just don't recognize!!

What has gotten in to my children lately? I wish I knew. They are driving me to drink. They have me rocking in the corner by the end of the day. Where are my good listeners? Where are the kids that didn't get in to much? Why are they starting now? Why are they regressing?? I wish I knew.

Ryley got a princess barbie for Easter. Beautiful long brown hair. Well now she has a choppy stylish short bob. Why? Why did Ayden think it was okay to cut her hair off? Why did the other two think it was okay to watch him do it, THEN come and tell me he was cutting her hair?

The other day Ayden got a BRAND NEW book from the library. My first thought was not to get this BRAND NEW book. But it was Thomas. It was a flip book. He was smitten with this book. So I let him get it. I told him he was NOT to ruin the book. The flaps had never been flapped yet. My kids are not destructive normally, so I thought this book would be safe with us. Uh, it lasted in our house for a day. He felt the need to go hide behind the chair and RIP IT UP!!!!!! WHY I ask you, WHY would he do that? He's not 2. He doesn't do this normally. So why now that he is just shy of 4 1/2 years old, does he think it's okay to rip up a book that doesn't belong to him? I just don't get it. I really don't. Now today, the Barbie's hair. Dylan and the Easter baskets. Dylan getting in to the clothes every chance he gets and going through them to find just the right outfit, leaving the aftermath behind.

I sent them to bed, it was time anyways. They high-tail it upstairs and get ready. I go in and Daddy walks in, I tell him to ask Ayden what he just did. He told Daddy. I asked the other two if they knew he was doing it, why they didn't stop him. Ryley says she did come tell me. I said you came to me after he was done. I asked her if she watched him. She said she did. I said if you knew he was doing something he shouldn't have, she needed to tell him and tell me. Ayden then says, "Ya Ryley, you should have told Mom before I did it." Jon and I both tried REALLY hard to keep straight faces. But we couldn't. Gawd, these kids...

So if you've seen my good listeners, can you kindly return them? I'd love to have them back, they are missed.


Mommy23Miracles said...

Wherever your good kids went, they must have taken mine months ago. Mine are off the wall, especially thanks to the husband who doesnt believe that the colors in food affect them so he doesnt watch what foods they eat. A birthday cake the night before easter made for a great Easter here - almost as good as the one you had! Hope things get better for you! See you tonight!

Nothing shocks me anymore... said...

I have been dealing with these things for the past 2 years now! About time you caught up! At least it was DOLL HAIR that was cut. Andrew has practiced his styling on Maddie 2x now. I have bought 2 library books and repaired about a dozen myself. My kids believe that only mommies are allowed to read the flip flap books. I do not check out books that have extra long pages that fold in any more.. Too much effort to mend them. I learned to hide things in suitcases and in grocery bags in the back of my closet.. We filled easter baskets at 1030 sat night....LOL