Sunday, January 18, 2009

Another Trip To The ER

Ayden and I spent a short evening in the ER last night. Fun times I tell ya! He had another dislocation of his right elbow. The poor guy. This happened a couple years ago and it was horrible. He had to go through the torture of them trying to put it back in place. That is the worst thing to witness on a small child that doesn't know what the heck is going on. That time it happened when I was getting him out of the sandbox. I pulled him up - just to get him on his feet. I heard and felt the pop. I knew better pulling on his wrist. It was a sickening feeling. I thought for sure I'd broken his wrist. At the time, I didn't know it was just dislocated. Off to the ER we went. He was in so much pain. I felt so bad.

Saturday night, it was Daddy's turn to have that sick feeling and guilt. He pulled Ayden's arm, in a bit of frustration for not cleaning up. I was in the kitchen and heard him and that painful cry. I went to investigate and sure enough his right arm was not being used. I thought it might have been broken, but I figured it was dislocated. The poor little guy. Off to the ER again. This time no x-rays were needed, since he has the history. The resident tried 3 times and she couldn't do it. I finally told her enough. She said it would take some time for him to start using his arm. I told her he would use it right away if it was back in place and it wasn't. I am Mom - hear me roar!! So the doctor comes in and he gets it back in right away. We were there for less than an hour, thank goodness. He was instantly happy and ate his popsicle with it in his right hand - he even forgot which was his "sore" arm. Silly boy. But I'm glad that's all it was. I know how to reduce it, but I just can't do that to my own child. I just can't. This is a common thing in small children. My sister says they outgrow it by 7. My nephew, Jacob, had the same thing happen twice when he was about Ayden's age. Fun times...

But on an ICK note. We showed up at the local Children's Hospital and I was really grossed out and disappointed with the level of cleanliness of the ER. There was vomit (been there awhile) on the carpet. There were random tissues and a puke bucket in the waiting room. Some of the seats were stained and just nasty looking. I was afraid to touch anything there. I wouldn't let Ayden touch anything. Shouldn't a Children's Hospital be cleaner? Especially in the ER? I may think twice before taking one of my kids there again. God knows what GERMS were living in that Waiting Room...

But all is well. Jon was playing with Ayden this morning, swinging him around and such and bangs his head on the floor. Poor guy has just not had a very good weekend. I told Daddy he would be banned from touching Ayden if he keeps it up! lol Then before bed, I was putting the recliner down on the couch and Ayden's foot was there, so I started to squish his foot. Good thing it was bedtime or who knows what would have happened to Ayden next! lol

1 comment:

loren said...

Poor Ayden and his guilt-ridden parents, and EEK that ER sounds DIS-GUSTING. It's times like that you wanna put your kid in a plastic bubble!