Okay, I know this probably isn't something you haven't seen yet. It came out in 2004. But I just saw it all the way through today! OMG! I watched it with the kids since we'll be going to a Polar Express viewing at MIL's work, complete with jammies and pillows. Anyways, I have seen bits and pieces of the movie and the parts I've seen were too intense for me to let my little ones watch. So I never bothered to rent it or watch it. Well I borrowed it from the library and let me tell you - we'll be buying it and watching it every year at Halloween time!! lol I'm ready to decorate the house. I'm ready to sing Christmas carols, the whole 9 yards.
Anyways, I wasn't sure how my kids would do with the intense parts of the movie. There were a lot of questions. A lot of me preparing them for what they'd see, that it was a dream, etc. So some of the scariness would be removed from the movie. I'm an over talker to my kids. Dylan was soooooo in to this movie. I swear his heart was beating 400 beats per minute. His eyes were as big as saucers and he was just glued to the screen. Ryley would cover her head with her blankie every time she thought something bad was going to happen and Ayden was just full of questions. I was ooing and ahhing through the movie, getting excited when I found out where they were going. I was in to this movie - almost as much as Dylan was! lol I started to get misty when we saw Santa, because of how in to it the kids were and how excited they were. I think they truly believed that Santa was going to come through our front door. I'm a sap. Hell, I cried last year when my 3 drove away in the barrel train at the pumpkin patch - like they were going off to college!! I'm a dork.
Dylan watching the movie - took it with my cell phone
Anyways, I recommend this movie to anyone that hasn't seen it yet. I can't wait until next August when I can sign up for the Polar Express lottery and hopefully get a spot on the train next season.
That's all, just wanted to share our afternoon with you.
Love the picture of Dylan, he looks so into the movie!
OMG!!! We LOVE that movie at our place! Ryan & Alec are so into trains we watch it all year. And there's another Polar Express train ride. My mom treated us to it last year, so I've got to call her and ask where it was again (me & my crapola memory) but we just bought tickets. No lottery like the Cuyahoga Valley RR. I'll let ya know Monday when I see ya by the latest.
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