I swear there was a meeting of the squirrels after my fateful meeting with one of their own.
This morning I'm driving the kids to school and one is standing on its hind legs just waiting for me, in the middle of the road. Daring me to come closer. Who's gonna win this battle? Another car coming the other way, so again, no way to swerve to miss him. He is sitting there looking me straight in the eye, big ole nut in hand and waiting.

Get out of the way you stupid squirrel! The other car is apparently not going to back down to this small furried friend. I slow down and he runs off the road - MY WAY, of course - with inches to spare...Damn squirrel.
LOL, that's hilarious! Reminds me of that insurance commercial.
Have you been over near my house recently??? There were 2 dead squirrels on Lovers lane last week.....
Too funny! I was thinking about you this morning when I hit something on my way to work...I'm not sure what it was though! ;0)
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