Anyways, they are having their Halloween party on the 31st. Ryley's class has a room mom, treat mom and game mom. Like regular school. I'm one of the treat moms. I'm making those Woman's Day cupcakes, going over the top since I can't be at the party. Anyways, I ASSumed that it was the same for both classes. Ryley's class is dressing up and having a fun day.
I get a note today stating that the boys class will have treat provided, they will not be dressing up and they will be having a fun day, not a scary day. Whatever! They are 3/4 year olds. How scary are their costumes going to be? We are spiderman and superman.
So now I have to break it to the boys that I won't be making their class the cupcakes (which I think I will anyways and act like I didn't realize sending treats home didn't mean cupcakes!) and that they won't be dressing up for their party, when Ryley will be going to school in her costume. How sad is that??
I asked Ryley's teacher if they were dressing up, just to make sure, even though I knew they were. I told her how sad that the boys class won't be dressing up. She gave that look and said she tried to talk to the teacher about it. So she doesn't like the idea either. There is another set of twins that are split and so one of their boys will go to school dressed and the other won't. So it doesn't just affect us.
Next year I am definitely requesting the 3 be in with Ryley's teacher!!
That's aweful... some people don't think! I don't see the harm in letting kids dress up. Is there a big age difference between the teachers?
yes, boy's teacher is old. Ryley's teacher is younger and fresh. Boy's teacher has an amish boy haircut...
That really stinks, those poor boys are going to be heartbroken. I think I would still make the cupcakes and I would still send them in costume!!! Does she run the preschool?
I so don't understand why this is not a SCHOOL rule? WHY would each teacher have say in how the day is celebrated? Makes no sense.. I think you should raise a stink. Schools are all big on seperating mutiples and then the parents have to deal with the drama when stuff like this comes up.
What complete crap! As the person before me said, I think I would step it up to another level. And I'm evil enough that I would just send the boys in their costumes any way.
UGH! I think they should do the same in all the classes for that year. It does stink for your boys, but doesn't she realize that a lot of other kids will be upset about not getting to show all their friends their costume?
Hmmm can you put their costumes on them anyways and say that everyday they dress themselves and it just so happens that's what they wanted to wear that particular day? LOL!
That just stinks! You are preparing me for all the things I need to think of in the future with our trips.
Hmmm... Not only would I let them go in costume, but I think I would dress them up like this:
On a much more fun note, how freakin' awesome are those cupcakes?!?
Man, I hadn't thought of THAT issue when it comes to spliting up my gang. Thanks for yet one more thing to stress about...=)
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