I fell in love with a green purse that a friend had in California. I might have taken her bag home with me, if given the chance. I searched everywhere for a purse that was green. If you know me, you know my favorite color is...green...I'm also a sucker for stripes and polka dots. I may go back to Rite Aid and get more. They are so darn cute and just the right size for me!
Anyways, I finally found one at Kohls a few weeks ago. I had to have it. Nevermind that it was more than I would normally spend on a purse. But I had to have it. I am not normally one to spend more than $15 on a purse, because I go through them so often. But this one I had to have. It's a deep green and I LOVE it.
Very cute!
That first one is so fun! It looks like a present. I cannot believe it was only 8 bucks - that's SUPA-CHEAP.
I loooove the second one, except I'm more partial to brown lately.
LOVE the bags!!!! What have we done to you. Created a monster I believe. LOL!
Amy - I don't know, I'm more girlie now than ever!! Steph says it's about time! lol
I turned some of the ladies from the sleepover for the MOMs club on to the bags. But our Rite Aid apparently only has them. So I picked up 3 more in different patterns! lol
Loren - I like the odd bags. I had a Vegas bag I found at Walmart that I just LOVED! until I put a stinky diaper in it while at the ped's and forgot about it and it festered in my van. I was soooo sad to throw that bag away...
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